At Northside Achievement Zone, one of our core values is "creating a trusting village." By continuing to build and maintain vibrant relationships with each of you, we can achieve great things together.
We're focusing on scholar’s attendance at school this year. A building block of this campaign to make sure scholars are in class is creating a community of support around families to break down any barriers that get in the way of getting scholars to school each day and on time. When scholars are at school every day, they have the opportunity to build friendships and create bonds with trustworthy adults (teachers, principals, paras, NAZ coaches, etc.) that can help them to feel safe and ready to learn. This safety and stability is the foundation for scholars in their continued developmental and academic growth.
The first step in ensuring strong attendance for your scholar this year is working with your NAZ Family Achievement Coach or Family Academy Facilitator to set a goal around attendance for your scholar(s). Try setting a goal around attendance each month you can check in on with your NAZ connector on a regular basis. Breaking your goals down to shorter timelines can take away feelings of overwhelm and help you remember what you and your scholar(s) are working towards.
Your goal may be something like: “I will get my scholar to school on time each day,” or, “I will ensure my scholar doesn’t miss more than one day of school this month.”
NAZ is here to walk alongside your scholar and family as they achieve great things. We can’t wait to see what this year has to bring for your scholar’s academic success.
Check out some of these scholars first-day-of-school photos! Hover over their pictures to check out their future college graduation year! Scroll down to see how their parents are helping them prepare and motivate their scholars, plus set routines for the whole family.

Jay'ceon's Dad: “What motivates him to go to school each day is the chance to spend time with his friends and play sports with them! His favorite part of the morning is the car ride to school where we chat about all the exciting things we want to do that day.”
Promise's Mom: "My scholar is motivated to get to school this year with her goal of getting lots As, and she is excited about criminal law."
Skylar and Astrid: “We review the schedule for the next day and prepare everything the night before: set out clothes, prepare lunch and/or after school snacks, backpack packed, sports bag packed, table set for breakfast–get up and go.”
Onyx's Mom: “We love talking about what she wants to wear to school that day which I think gives her a sense of autonomy. But we also talk about what songs she wants to listen to in the car while we drive to school. Certain songs let me know she’s excited while others may say she’s a little tired and still wanting to rest on the way to school”.